Colombian emeralds have a color that identifies Colombia as much as the three of its flag, green: that of the extensive prairies, mountains and natural reserves; the green that paints many of its fertile landscapes and that frames rivers, streams and waterfalls; the green of the Amazon rainforest and the thick jungle that borders the coasts of the Pacific Ocean.

We identify a bright green that is not noticeable with the naked eye and that is swallowed up by the mountains of the Eastern Cordillera between the departments of Boyacá and Cundinamarca. It is the green of Colombian emeralds, the most famous in the world.

There are many honors for which Colombia has international prestige and being the world’s leading producer of emeralds is one of them, since in the total production of emeralds, Colombia contributes 55 percent, compared to 15 percent of countries such as Brazil and Zambia next on the list. And it is not only a question of quantity, but of quality, because thanks to its characteristics this Colombian gemstone is one of the most coveted.